May 3, 2010

  • Monk Lakes. Match Lake 2 & 4.

    Faye’s Match

    magtrans.gif MD's Logo picture by pnm123

    Organised by
    With all proceeds going to support

    ML.jpg picture by pnm123

    Around this time last year Bill G organised a fund raising match in aid of in support of a young lady called Faye, who has become very close to the hearts of a lot of the members who use the forum on the website and you can read the story of just how that day went HERE icon_smile_thumb.gif Thumbs Up picture by pnm123. It was such a success, that Bill has taken up the reins once more and we’re back down at Monk Lakes today to do it all over again icon_smile.gif Smile picture by pnm123.

    So having risen at some ungodly hour to take Mrs M to work for 6am, I couldn’t help noticing just how cold it was outside cold.gif Cold picture by pnm123, so the first job after another coffee and toast was to dig the thermals out and climb into them before loading the car. With one thing and another it was just gone 7 am once I set off, but a smooth run down saw me pulling into the car park around 8am icon_smile.gif Smile picture by pnm123. Evidently I passed Clive and Tony on the way down, but they were unable to pick up my slipstream and arrived a little later icon_smile_tongue.gif Tongue picture by pnm123 .
    A good turnout seemed assured as people assembled and various breakfast goodies were devoured Eating.gif Eat picture by pnm123 as introductions were made to new faces and friendships renewed. People had come from far and wide for this match, notably Geoff and his better half Mags, from Motherwell in Scotland, while Arkwright and his good lady Pat had trekked down from Lancashire along with a few other ‘Monkeys’ from above the Watford Gap  and the ‘Pink One’ that is Jessebobs escaped from Bristol for the day icon_smile.gif Smile picture by pnm123.

    Faye’s Dad, Dave T had come down for the day to offer his support, as unfortunately Faye was still in Adenbrookes with Mum Liz keeping her company. With the draw rolling round it was also good to see Vince putting in an appearance icon_smile_wink.gif Wink picture by pnm123. Unfortunately he’s been suffering from a bout of pneumonia, preventing him from fishing, but he still found the time to come down to meet everyone and lend Bill a hand with the draw. So in for the draw and peg 145 stuck to my hand. Up on Lake 4 and I was quite happy as with the islands and a fair bit of vegetation it may offer a bit of shelter on what promised to be an absolute grueller of a day weather wise……..  nono.gif No picture by pnm123 yeah right.

    ah.jpg My peg for the day picture by pnm123

    Well the peg looked great, but the wind was howling in, but at least it was at my back. It meant that I could comfortably fish at around 7mtrs on the pole and with a decent 2½ft in the margin and a nice level 3ft+ at 7mtrs those would be my 2 lines utilising 2 rigs that were still in my box from an earlier club match on the lake back in March. I also set up my feeder rod as I had it with me in its ready sleeve. Bait for the day was maggot, pellet and corn with some groundbait for the method. For company I had Bill’s club mate John to my left while to my right was ‘Mermaid’ Linda’s husband Chris and Al. Did I mention the wind icon_smile_angry.gif Angry picture by pnm123 ??? 1st job was to retrieve my seat box cover that went flying past me and then navigated half the lake before docking in Jessebobs swim, mind you he was going to need all he could get if he thought he was going to fill 3 nets today icon_smile_tongue.gif Tongue picture by pnm123 ……

    bi.jpg Steve (Jessebobs) Burgess picture by pnm123

    So 10·30am and Bill called the All-In, feed onto both lines and out to 7mts with double maggot on the hook, a bit of lifting and dropping and 5 minutes in a nice fat Gudgeon broke the duck. The next hour saw just a couple of small Carp and a few skimmers for me, but John seemed to be finding a few as was Steve (spots) Potter up on peg 149……

    bo.jpg Steve (spots) Potter picture by pnm123

    Dave T came along for a chat and I gave him my camera with instructions to take a few pictures on his travels. Bill put in an appearance a little later, but word was that while most had caught, very few were catching regularly as the wind was doing its best to make life difficult for most on both lakes.

    Next up Kevin’s partner Jean and Pat (The Raffle Ticket Mafia) arrived and with their subtle charms had soon extracted cash from us all in exchange for 1000+ raffle tickets icon_smile.gif Smile picture by pnm123.

    Meanwhile over on Lake 2 it was starting to look more like an audition for ‘Deadliest Catch’ than a fishing match as the wind , rain and occasional bouts of hail interspersed with sunshine was making conditions more than a tad difficult for a lot of the anglers. However tucked away behind his brolly on peg 67 Jon (Mutley) Reed was having one of those sessions we all dream about……

    bm.jpg Jon (Mutley) Reed picture by pnm123

     Now Jon is no match angler but a combination of simple feeder tactics and regularly pinging feed over the top kept fish coming to his rod virtually all match icon_smile_wink.gif Wink picture by pnm123.

    Further up on peg 73 Keith (shallowman) Haynes was making the most of it fishing chopped worm & caster for anything with fins and was slowly building a good weight.

    ab.jpg Keith (shallowman) Haynes picture by pnm123

    I’d invited a work colleague, Dave Janes along today to fish his 1st ever match, he’s not long started pole fishing, and struggled a bit as the concept of a match was so new to him……

    bd.jpg Peg 77  Dave Janes 1 picture by pnm123

    but he was delighted to get his best ever carp on the pole which weighed in at 12½lbs……

    af.jpg 12½lb Carp for Dave picture by pnm123

    For a lot though it was just a case of battling through and nicking the odd fish where possible Geoff had told me that Mags always brings the rain with her when she leaves Scotland …………… He wasn’t wrong icon_smile_tongue.gif Tongue picture by pnm123. Arkwright must have wondered why he’d travelled all the way down from Lancashire, as us southern lads had obviously lied to him about these Southern ‘Baggin’ waters, but he stuck at it and had a few icon_smile.gif Smile picture by pnm123 ……

    ad.jpg Arkie in the rain picture by pnm123

    Mick was under severe pressure as he had granddaughter Rosie for company on the next peg icon_smile.gif Smile picture by pnm123 ……

    bn.jpg Rosie picture by pnm123

    …… nono.gif No picture by pnm123 No that’s wrong as Mick really doesn’t ‘do’ pressure, being one of the most relaxed anglers you could ever hope to meet……

    bk.jpg One in the net for Mick picture by pnm123

    …… and between nicking a couple and helping young Rosie, honour remained intact at the end with Mick getting the decision by a clear 10ozs icon_smile.gif Smile picture by pnm123.

    Gary (garycatch) Catchpole had drawn the fabled peg 45 and was slowly putting a few together icon_smile_wink.gif Wink picture by pnm123 ……..

    bh.jpg Gary (garycatch) Catchpole picture by pnm123

    Linda aka Mermaid was also getting a few, and it was just a question of whether it would prove to be enough to give her the bragging rights over husband Chris who was over on Lake 4……

    az.jpg Linda (mermaid) Billington 1 picture by pnm123

    Meanwhile back on Lake 4 Trevor was getting a few towards the island when the wind dropped, but it was never for long enough……

    bl.jpg Trevor (MT Net) Little picture by pnm123

    Al was battling on and getting the odd fish, but couldn’t put a run of them together……

    ac.jpg One in the net for Al picture by pnm123

    So with a couple of hours to go I decided that enough was enough with the pole and reached for the feeder rod. 3 grains of corn hair rigged and lobbed towards the island. Within a minute the tip wrapped round and a small Mirror was safely into the net icon_smile.gif Smile picture by pnm123. That set the pattern for my last 2 hours, regular fish, but a few hook lengths were claimed by various snags that seemed to litter the area, but at least it kept me reasonably busy till Bill called the All-Out at 3·30pm.

    Al and I had the scales for Lake 4 and thankfully given the conditions the Weigh-In didn’t take to long as the weather started to close in once more. Steve (spots) Potter taking the section with 56½lbs icon_smile_wink.gif Wink picture by pnm123 ahead of Steve (Jessebobs) Burgess’s 42¼lbs.

    So with the gear packed away it was back to the car park for the results. Overall the day belonged to Jon (Mutley) Reed  with a fine 101lbs to take the win 1st.gif 1st picture by pnm123 ahead of Keith (shallowman) Haynes’s level 85lbs 2nd.gif 2nd picture by pnm123, while Steve (spots) Potter’s 56½lbs filled 3rd place 3rd.gif 3rd picture by pnm123.

    Bill G then said a few words of thanks before announcing that the total raised for Post Pals on the day had come to £853 and with another £270 still to come from an auction for a day at Rolfs Lake should take the total to over £1100 icon_smile_thumb.gif Thumbs Up picture by pnm123.

    Dave T  then thanked everyone for their efforts and read out the following letter that Faye had sent as she was unable to attend icon_smile_sad.gif Sad picture by pnm123 …..

    Thanks to everyone for coming to the match.
      We know many of you have travelled a long way. I’m sorry I can’t be there in
    person. I was hoping to be there but Addenbrookes won’t let me come home yet.
    Me & my mum will be thinking of you all today. Hope you all caught lots of fish
    & have enjoyed yourselves. Thanks for supporting my charity Post Pals. The money
    raised helps many other seriously ill children.
    Thank you for all your messages on the Maggot Drowners site.
    A special thank you to Bill for organising everything again.
    Hopefully I will see you all at the next one.

    Love to you all

    Well after that all that remained was to draw the raffle, and with that out of the way farewells were bid. I’d just like to say a word of thanks, firstly to Bill G for all his efforts organising the day icon_smile_thumb.gif Thumbs Up picture by pnm123, and to all those anglers that took part icon_smile_thumb.gif Thumbs Up picture by pnm123, and Monk Lakes who donated a sizable part of the peg fees back to the cause icon_smile_thumb.gif Thumbs Up picture by pnm123. Same again next year folks?

    Overall Results

    Position Peg                Angler Weight
     1st Peg 67 Jon (Mutley) Reed 101lbs 00ozs
     2nd Peg 73 Keith (shallowman) Haynes   85lbs 00ozs
     3rd Peg 149 Steve (spots) Potter   56lbs 08ozs
     4th Peg 45 Gary (garycatch) Catchpole   44lbs 00ozs
     5th Peg 154 Steve (Jessebobs) Burgess   42lbs 04ozs
     6th Peg 146 John Manktelow   39lbs 12ozs
     7th Peg 151 Trevor (MT Net) Little   35lbs 04ozs
     8th Peg 145 Peter (Mugger) Morton   31lbs 12ozs
     9th Peg 152 Steve (badpegpicker) Oswick   31lbs 00ozs
     10th Peg 77 Dave Janes   26lbs 12ozs
     11th Peg 64 Michael (mickeym) McMillan   25lbs 04ozs
     12th Peg 62 Jay Lay   24lbs 00ozs
     13th Peg 142 Al Loader   23lbs 04ozs
     14th Peg 52 John (arkwright) Anderson   21lbs 08ozs
     15th Peg 143 Chris (mr mermaid) Billington   21lbs 04ozs
     16th Peg 68 Linda (mermaid) Billington   21lbs 02ozs
     17th Peg 146 A Ellis   21lbs 00ozs
     18th Peg 46 Alan (Genus 9) West   18lbs 08ozs
     19th Peg 59 Brian (indiginous3556)   16lbs 08ozs
     20th Peg 58 Clive (black hydro) Pritchard   15lbs 08ozs
     21st= Peg 76 Simon Elsey   15lbs 00ozs
     21st= Peg 155 (pegg)   15lbs 00ozs
     23rd  Peg 74 Tony (spamwham) Roberts   14lbs 00ozs
     24th Peg 56 Russell (Russ G) Graves   13lbs 04ozs
     25th Peg 63 Michael (redspike) Ashby   13lbs 00ozs
     26th Peg 49 Keith (keith 74) Powell   12lbs 00ozs
     27th Peg 65 Andrew (greentura) Green   10lbs 04ozs
     28th Peg 57 Geoff (geoff p) Palmer     8lbs 00ozs
     29th Peg 148 John (old tart) Ashby     7lbs 08ozs
     30th Peg 70 Chris Withall     7lbs 00ozs
     31st= Peg 66 Kevin (kev the catch) Loveland     6lbs 08ozs
     31st= Peg 51 Toby (vassago) Wells     6lbs 08ozs
     33rd Peg 69 G Flynn     6lbs 04ozs
     34th Peg 54 Mick (the chippy) Pearson     3lbs 12ozs
     35th Peg 48 Terry (Wily Coyote) Goff     3lbs 04ozs
     36th Peg 47 Dean (Marvin Waggler) Kershaw     2lbs 04ozs
     37th Peg 75 Sven (svenc) Castle            08ozs

    Section Results

    Section A   
     1st Peg 45 Gary (garycatch) Catchpole   44lbs 00ozs
     2nd Peg 52 John (arkwright) Anderson   21lbs 08ozs
     3rd Peg 53 A Ellis   21lbs 00ozs
     4th Peg 46 Alan (Genus 9) West   18lbs 08ozs
     5th  Peg 49 Keith (keith 74) Powell   12lbs 00ozs
     6th Peg 51 Toby (vassago) Wells     6lbs 08ozs
     7th Peg 54 Mick (the chippy) Pearson     3lbs 12ozs
     8th Peg 48 Terry (Wily Coyote) Goff     3lbs 04ozs
     9th Peg 47 Dean (Marvin Waggler) Kershaw     2lbs 04ozs
    Section B   
     1st Peg 64 Michael (mickeym) McMillan   25lbs 04ozs
     2nd  Peg 62 Jay Lay   24lbs 00ozs
     3rd Peg 59 Brian (indiginous3556)   16lbs 08ozs
     4th Peg 58 Clive (black hydro) Pritchard   15lbs 08ozs
     5th Peg 56 Russell (Russ G) Graves   13lbs 04ozs
     6th Peg 63 Michael (redspike) Ashby   13lbs 00ozs
     7th Peg 65 Andrew (greentura) Green   10lbs 04ozs
     8th Peg 57 Geoff (geoff p) Palmer     8lbs 00ozs
     9th Peg 66 Kevin (kev the catch) Loveland     6lbs 08ozs
    Section C   
     1st Peg 67 Jon (Mutley) Reed  101lbs 00ozs
     2nd Peg 73 Keith (shallowman) Haynes   85lbs 00ozs
     3rd Peg 77 Dave Janes   26lbs 12ozs
     4th Peg 68 Linda (mermaid) Billington   21lbs 02ozs
     5th Peg 76 Simon Elsey   15lbs 00ozs
     6th Peg 74 Tony (spamwham) Roberts   14lbs 00ozs
     7th Peg 70 Chris Withall     7lbs 00ozs
     8th Peg 69 G Flynn     6lbs 04ozs
     9th Peg 75 Sven (svenc) Castle            08ozs
    Section D   
     1st Peg 149 Steve (spots) Potter   56lbs 08ozs
     2nd Peg 154 Steve (Jessebobs) Burgess   42lbs 04ozs
     3rd Peg 146 John Manktelow   39lbs 12ozs
     4th Peg 151 Trevor (MT Net) Little   35lbs 04ozs
     5th Peg 145 Peter (Mugger) Morton   31lbs 12ozs
     6th Peg 152 Steve (badpegpicker) Oswick   31lbs 00ozs
     7th Peg 142 Al Loader   23lbs 04ozs
     8th Peg 143 Chris (mr mermaid) Billington   21lbs 04ozs
     9th Peg 155 (pegg)   15lbs 00ozs
     10th Peg 148 John (old tart) Ashby     7lbs 08ozs


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